
Chiropractic is the science and art of finding restrictions in the joints of the spine and body and releasing those restrictions to allow the nervous system to function properly. We love to take care of all women and children especially expecting mothers and their babies.


Reiki is an energy healing technique done by using one's hands on or above the body. It can feel warm while the treatment is happening and can leave the body feeling calm, sleepy, warm, peaceful, and/or energized. Reiki can help with aches and pains in the body along with healing tissues, calming emotions and much more.

Dr. Haleigh studied chiropractic at Life University in Marietta, GA. She graduated in December of 2017 with her Doctor of Chiropractic degree. For the last few years, she has been practicing in Raleigh, NC working mostly with women and children. She has a passion for helping the littles eat, sleep and generally feel better. She has training in multiple soft tissue techniques include Sacro-occipital technique and BGI (Biogeometric Integration) as well as manual adjusting techniques including full spine and Gonstead methods. She is passionate about facilitating healing in those that she takes care of.

Dr. Haleigh studied chiropractic at Life University in Marietta, GA. She graduated in December of... Read More

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Located at: 1303 Lakeside Drive , Garner
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